Graduated filters

With the speed of image capture and sharing today we often forget the finer details required for quality results. Using graduated filters offers just one solution to better more equally exposed images.
Our eyes have the ability to alter their sensitivity by region. If you're indoors and look out a window, you can see everything because our eyes and brain drop the sensitivity to the window, and keep the sensitivity to the inside of the room high. If you close your eyes, you'll see the mask created by your eye which varies the sensitivity by area.

Grads are only used in extreme conditions where our eyes have to do this, like looking into a sunset. Normally high contrast doesn't warrant a grad. If the range from light to dark is so broad that our eyes have to compensate, then the grad attempts to do what our eyes would do, so that our cameras can capture the scene. Cameras can't vary their ISO from point-to-point as our eyes can.
